calendar n. 1.历,历法。 2.历书,日历,月历。 3.日程表;一览表;总目录;【法律】案件日程表;〔美国〕议会日程。 a perpetual calendar万年历。 a wall calendar挂历。 the lunatic [solar] calendar阴[阳]历。 vt. 1.把…记入日程表中;把…列入表中。 2.为(文件等)作分类索引。
The japanese calendar has 12 months with 28 to 31 days each 日本历有12个月,每个月有28到31天不等:
Delving into history : the japanese calendar and life in the edo period 挖掘历史日历与江户时代人们的生活
Discounted japanese calendar 日本版月历特卖
Leap years in the japanese calendar correspond to the same leap years in the gregorian calendar 日本历中的闰年与公历中的相同闰年对应。
Years are calculated the same way as the japanese calendar , while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar 年的计算方法与日本日历相同,而日和月则按阴阳历计算。
Because the year in the japanese calendar is typically less than four digits long , this implementation always returns the value of the 因为日本历中的年份通常少于四位数,所以此实现总是返回
The japanese calendar , which is also known as the wareki calendar , works exactly like the gregorian calendar , except that the year and era are different 除纪元年份不同外,日本历(又称为wareki历)与公历完全一样。
The date january 1 , 2001 a . d . in the gregorian calendar is equivalent to the first day of ichigatsu in the year heisei 13 in the japanese calendar 公历中日期公元2001年1月1日相当于日本历中heisei 13年ichigatsu的第1天。
Note that the first year of an era is called " gannen " ; therefore , the gregorian calendar year 1989 was the japanese calendar year heisei gannen 请注意,纪元的第一年称为“ gannen ” ;所以公历1989年是日本历heisei gannen年。
Although the japanese calendar was switched from a lunar calendar to a solar calendar in the year meiji 6 1873 of the gregorian calendar , this implementation is based on the solar calendar only 尽管日本历在meiji 6年(公历1873年)从阴历转换为阳历,但此实现仅基于阳历。
Japanese calendar types have included a range of official and unofficial systems. At present, Japan uses the Gregorian calendar, together with year designations stating the year of the reign of the current emperor.